Celebrate Meimi's Birthday with a Scenario and ASMR Voice Pack!
Voice Pack includes:
"Your Little Witch Meimi Wants to Spend Her Birthday With You" (6 mins 51s)
- ASMR voice: "Birthday treat at night" (3 mins 33s)
All scripts edited by Meimi.
Voice file format: wav
Compressed format: zip
*Sound quality may vary from product to product.
*Due to the unique expressions such as buzzwords, the wordings may not always be grammatically correct.
*In some cases, languages other than Japanese or English may be spoken.
*The images, text, audio, video, and other data sold on this site are protected by copyright law.
*Copying, reproduction or similar acts are prohibited and subject to legal liability and penalties.
*After your purchase, you can download Digital Goods from the "Thank You" page and also via the link sent in your confirmation email upon payment.
bday chibi artist: suitai_hamian
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